To Lent or Not to Lent? That is the question.

Sunday morning while sitting at my kitchen table sipping my morning brew, I looked up and noticed the calendar hanging on the wall. As I looked at the date, Sunday, March 1, I noticed the small type stating that today was the first Sunday of Lent. “Ah,” I thought to myself, “what should I give up in the spirit of Lent?” Of course my first thought (as I take a fresh sip of my devilish drink) is, “Maybe I should give up coffee for Lent.” “No, I’m too far a goner and I just enjoy it too much. Hmn, maybe I should give up sugar. No, because if you give up sugar than you’ll have to give up coffee.” (See posting titled Super-bleckh!!!) “What could I possibly give up for Lent?” 

It then occurred to me…“I’m Mormon!!! We’re like…Protestants!!! We don’t practice Lent. I don’t have to give up anything!!! (Whew.) (Glug, glug, yep…good to the last drop!) Today’s a good day to be a Mormon.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Dyami says:

    I saw this on Yahoo and thought you might appreciate it.

    “One study of over 93,000 women showed that drinking coffee decreased their risk of skin cancer. Other research suggests that both oral and topical caffeine may offer powerful anticarcinogenic benefits.”

    1. Mormon Girl says:

      I will check this out. Maybe another post is in the works! I’ve also read that coffee consumption has shown helpful in battling Alzheimer’s.
      Interesting stuff as it applies to our “health code.”

  2. Robin says:

    I gave up God for Lent once… didn’t change much.

    1. Mormon Girl says:


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